Genealogy Pro Talk

Genealogy Pro Talk, a new webinar series for the aspiring professional genealogist, is being facilitated by the Utah Genealogical Association and taught by established professionals in the genealogical field. This webinar is scheduled for the first Tuesday of the month between February and December, at 6 pm Mountain Time.

Past Webinars

Past Genealogy Pro Talk webinars are available for view by UGA members. Please login to access these presentations.


Month Presentation Presenter
December Diversify Your Talents to Build a Better Genealogy Business Katherine R. Willson
November Writing for Crossroads Eva Holmes
October Expanding Your Horizons: How to Succeed in Genealogy Networking Alina Khuda
September How to Propose an Institute Course Annette Burke Lyttle
August Turning Your Family Tree into a Talk Dr. Penny Walters
July Maximizing Your Social Media Presence Jon Marie Pearson
June If the Walls Could Talk: Working with Oral Histories in Your Genealogical Research David Ryan
May FRIENDS, ASSOCIATES, & NEIGHBORS? Your future clients are already in your circle Cynthia Patton
April Grip, Grippe & the Spanish Lady: The 1918 Pandemic & Your Family Records Michelle L. Spencer
March Empowering Genealogists with Artificial Intelligence Steve Little
February Don’t Quit Now: Keep the Genealogy Business Going in Spite of Physiological and Mental Limitations Jean Wilcox Hibben, PhD, MA


Month Presentation Presenter
December Setting Goals to Focus Your Genealogy Cynthia K. Patton
November The Business of Genealogical Speaking Annette Burke Lyttle
October So You Want to Work for Legacy Tree? Elly Catmull
September Researching Your Ancestor’s Brick & Mortar Can Help Break Down Your Brick Wall Michelle L. Spencer
August Virtually Presenting Research to Your Client and Family: a Recipe for Success Claudia Sudweeks
July Genealogy Surprises, Discoveries, and Outright Lies: Sorting Out the Facts Melissa Barker
June Unlikely Places to Discover Genealogical Information Peggy Clemens Lauritzen, AG, FOGS
May Running a Business: from Networking to Marketing Alina Khuda
April Starting on the Right Foot: SLCC’s One-Year Online Genealogy Certificate Program Julia Anderson, AG
March It’s All About the Records: Understanding Ancestry’s Collections and More! Kory Meyerink, AG
February Location Research in a Digital World Craig Siulinski


Month Presentation Presenter
December 10 Steps for Organizing for the Busy Genealogist Cynthia Patton
November How To Build An Email List For Your Genealogy Business (& Why You Should!) Lisa Lisson
October The Inside Scoop on Genealogy Institutes Angela Packer McGhie, CG, FUGA
September Planning for Professional Success Lauri Jean Swett
August Get Paid Doing What You Love: Careers at Ancestry Kory Meyerink, AG, FUGA
July Writing a Quality Research Report Whitney Tolman
June Degree Discovery: BYU-Idaho Family History Research Program Margaret A. Chesley
May The Organizational Power of Timelines: Think Annotated Color-Coded Matrix Diane L. Richard
April BYU Family History Bachelor’s Program Amy Harris, PhD, AG; Jensen Cordon; Hazel Scullin
March Writing for a Genealogical Journal Gena Philibert-Ortega
February Genealogy ProTalk: Career Opportunities Lynn Turner, AG


Month Presentation Presenter
December Sharpening the Saw: Keeping Your Professional Edge with Continuing Education Julia Anderson, AG
November Assembling Your Personal Research Reference Guides Jana Greenhalgh, AG
October Reading Between the Lines: Using Indirect Evidence to Help Solve Research Problems Tristan Tolman, AG
September -- --
August Networking for Genealogists Sara Cochran
July Digital Financial Management Cynthia K. Patton
June Keeping it All Together - Establish a Work Life Balance; Janice Lovelace, PhD
May Ethical Dilemmas in Genealogy Dr. Penny Walters
March Analysis and Correlation: A Case Study on a Missing Family in the Census Peggy Laurtizen, AG
February Professional Client Report Writing Kelly Summers, AG


Month Topic Presenter
December Don’t Work for Free: How to Efficiently Manage Client Projects Cara Jones
November From Webinar to Degree: Exploring Genealogy Education Options for You Zachary Hamilton
September A Genealogists Guide to Digital Marketing David Ryan, MA, DipGen
August If You Build It, They Will Come: Creating a Website for Your Genealogy Business Elizabeth O’Neal
July Becoming a Certified Genealogist: A Personal Journey Jill Morelli, CG
June How do you do that? Practical Suggestions for People Who Want to do Genealogical Lecturing Jean Wilcox Hibben, PhD, MA
May The Benefits of Participating in an ICAPGen Study Group Melody Daisson, AG; Nicky Smith
April Giving Unexpected or Bad News to Clients Penny Walters, PhD
March Researching Outside Your Comfort Zone Janice Lovelace, PhD
February Your Education Plan for Going Pro Annette Burke Lyttle
January No webinar this month.  


Month Topic Presenter
December More Career Options for Professionals: Panel Discussion Suzannah Beasley, AG; Stan Lindaas; Tanner Tolman, AG; Gordon Remington, FUGA
November Career Options for Professionals: Panel Discussion Danielle Batson, AG, Christy Fillerup, Rick Price, MA, AG, Kelly Summers, MS, AG
October Accreditation: A Pathway to Becoming A Better Researcher Diana Elder, AG and Melissa Corn Finlay, AG
September Focused Research Planning Suzannah Beasley, AG
August Varieties of Genealogical Writing Sharon DeBartolo Carmack, MFA, CG
July Defining "Reasonably Exhaustive" Considering Limitations on Time and Money Paul K. Graham, AG, CG, CGL
June Running a Successful Home-Based Business Tristan Tolman, AG
May Improving Your Talent as a Genealogy Speaker Peggy Clemens Lauritzen, AG, FOGS
April Perspectives on Accreditation Diana Elder, AG and Julie Stoddard, AG